Ad Lib Game Development Society

Zero Lodge


Zero Lodge
Dallas, TX

members / latest session / previous games / ALGDS Homepage

"In theory, there is no difference between theory and practice. In practice there is."
-Yogi Berra

About Us

The Zero Lodge is the first and founding chapter of the Ad Lib Game Development Society (ALGDS).

Zero Lodge (and the ALGDS itself) was founded by a group of Dallas area game developers who have a love and passion for game making but find that our day jobs (as full-time game developers) sometimes leave those passions not entirely satisfied. Long project cycles, market-safe concepts, and the need for competitive production values have created a situation in which new game ideas have the opportunity to be put into action sometimes less than once a year, and unconventional / experimental / radical ideas almost never.

Inspired by the likes of the Immersion Composition Society (founded by Nicholas Dobson and Michael Mellender) and the Indie Game Jam (hosted by Chris Hecker, Sean Barrett, Doug Church, and others), we therefore decided to undertake the practice of rapid, ad-lib game development.

Starting in May of 2004, we have so far had a number of sessions of increasing success. We're still discovering the best ways to do this sort of thing, and have so far improved our process with each attempt (not to mention having created several interesting, albeit often unfinished, byproducts along the way).

Zero Lodge Members and Attendees

The following is a list of people who have participated significantly in one or more Zero Lodge sessions:

Members and Attendeesdomainemail @
Squirrel Eiserloh (founder) Code / Design squirrel
Josh Martel (co-founder) Code / Design
Tom Mustaine (co-founder) Design / Art
Lucas Davis (co-founder) Code / Design
Wyeth Johnson (co-founder) Art / Design
Shawn Ketcherside Design / Code
Richard "Charon" Heath Design / Art
Zach Hall Art / Design
Ken Harward Code / Design
Clare Bernier Art / Design
David Najjab Art

Latest Session: Asplode (Session 7)

We have a winner! Asplode has been our most fun (and most successful) jam session to date. Total of about 24 hours of development time, which included 1 coder, 2 artist/designers, and 1 sound guy.

Session 7: Asplode

Zero Lodge Games

The following is a somewhat embarrasing history of the attempts at so-called games we've produced so far. Click on each screenshot for session details and file downloads.

Session 0: Kobaioh

Session 1: Bustaculated!

Session 2: Meat My Baby

Session 3: NetSlack

Session 4: NetSlack revisited

Session 5: Balls To The Wall

Session 6: Infection

Session 7: Asplode well as some derivative works submitted by folks outside the Lodge:

Bustaculated Redux
by Nathan Perkins

Go and do likewise.

Game Engine framework

The Zero Lodge has so far based all of our projects off our Game Engine framework, which is a simple C++ based basic game engine, which we've cleverly named "Game Engine". It was written mostly from scratch by Zero Lodge members (primarily Squirrel and Josh). This engine is free for use for whomever finds it of value -- especially other ALGDS Lodges -- so steal away!

The license / terms of usage, which can be found in Engine/License.hpp, are pretty simple:

Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are permitted.

So basically you can use it pretty much however you want. We do ask however that you include the Engine/License.hpp file as-is with any redistribution, either public or private.

Game Engine Capabilties (latest version):

The engine basically does the bare minimum to get you off and running, and not a whole lot more.


Questions? Feel free to send email to questions 'at'

members / latest session / previous games / ALGDS Homepage